And it's finally done. It only took me like...oh I don't know...six months!

We- The Pink Army- have been in war with all wars in the entire world, since September 2007. Our troops consists of thousands and thousands of strong, brave and armed men, who are ready to fight to death, if they must. And we are growing in numbers, day-by-day, hour-by-hour. From house to house, street corner to street corner, The Pink Army will conquer every square inch of the world. We will strike down on any type of resistance with no mercy. We will hold no prisoners. Any form of surrender, retrieve, “weapons stand still” or peace renegotiations is out of the question. The Pink Army will fight to the last pink drop of blood. Until our demands has been met, accepted and executed.Don't you just love the way they mock the rhetorics of warmongers?
What do you think about my new blue earrings? I made them last month and from the moment I took them out of the oven, I knew they would be mine. I am in love with the hashed blue color and how it works with the white pattern.
I am still struggling with the whole cane business. In this piece I used kaleidoscopic/mosaic cane and it looks cool. However if you look closely you will see that the motives are not perfectly square and the pattern inside is also a bit twisted. Oh well, you can always say: I meant it that way!
And seriously: practice makes master so don't give up on your polymer clay.