First of all, I'd like to wish all my readers and the entire craft community a very happy and insanly productive 2010!!!
Ah, 2nd of January, the day of reflections. The hangover after New Years party is gone and we can finally sit down and reflect over the last year and our plans for the year to come.
Just before NYE I stumbled upon
this post in
Yes and Yes blog and I thought that it was a great idea to concentrate on last years accomplishments. I am usually one of the "glass half empty and what are we going to do about this?!?" kind of person, so it would be only too easy for me to focus on what did not go so well in 2009. So, inspired by Sarah, I discarded all the unhappy thoughts and here is the list of things, I am proud about:
1. I finished my university degree with an outstanding result.
2. I worked with a great charity and learned a lot from them. This was also the moment when I realized what kind of job I want to do.
3. Together with my fiancé, we survived moving our lives to Denmark. It was not easy or stress-free.
4. I am learning Danish and have already passed 2 levels of state examinations.
5. I started to run. Ok, not very regularly, but there has been an improvement in my generla form.
6. I learned a lot about how to deal with my stress issues and I'm getting better at it.
7. I opened my
Etsy store and this blog. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to craft and see your reactions to what I make. It has also opened a dam of creativity and I am constantly flooded with new ideas.
8. I got to travel around UK a bit and see Oxford, Cambridge and a few other places.
9. ...and I got engaged. OK, I know it is not an accomplishment, but still something to rejoice!
Of course, it wouldn't be a proper New Year period without...RESOLUTIONS. And no, I am not naive. I know perfectly well that, half of the items from the list below is never going to happen. But I like making plans, dreaming and writing up list. So here goes my resolutions:
1. I'll make a conscious effort to be more positive and open to new ideas, people and situations.
2. I'll run regularly
3. I'll apply for university to complete masters degree
4. I'll learn to speak Danish
5. I'll volunteer for a charity (preferably international development one)
6. I'll list more items in my etsy store and continue with this blog
7. I'll get married and not loose my mind (or make someone else loose theirs) over some unimportant detail
8. I'll write 2 short stories...
...there. I guess that's enough. I hope that in 2011, I will be able to report to you that I have accomplished all of the things on my 2010 list. And I wish you all that you will have beautiful dreams for the coming year and that you will find satisfaction in working to accomplish them.
Picture curtsy of Christopher Chan