Full Title: Beyond the Square - Crochet Motifs. 144 Circles, Hexagons, Triangles, Squares, and other Unexpected Shapes.
Author: Edie Eckman
ISBN: 978-1-60342-039-6
Pages: 202
Language: English
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A Word About Yarn; Sizing and Gauge; Following Instructions; Reading Charts; Getting Started; Beginning the Round; Ending the Round; Color Considerations; All Those Ends!; Joining Motifs; Principles of Flatness; Taking it to the Next Level; Edgings; Make it Your Own; Designing with Motifs - Circles - Hexagons - Triangles - Squares - Unusual Shapes - Appendix - Index - Stitch Key
How the book is organised:The book is divided into two main sections: workshop and motifs.
The first part contains a brief introduction to crocheting in general and to stitching motifs in particular. The author provides a wide variety of useful technical tips on matters such as joining blocks, ending or shaping your work. Additionally reader will find inspiring notes on choosing colours and creating your own designs.
The second part of the book focuses on particular motifs: circles, hexagons, squares, and unusual shapes - 144 instructions in total. Each motif gets its own page with the colourful picture, clear graphical diagram and text instruction. Descriptions of motifs are meticulous and very easy to understand.
Strengths of the book:1. Clear, easy to read instructions
2. Clear page layout
3. Great tips for crocheters
Weaknesses of the book:1. Not all designs are aesthetically well done
2. Some motifs are repetitive
3. Despite its introductory part, this book is not suitable for beginners
Conclusion:Edie Eckman's book is one of my favourite crochet compendiums for two reasons. First of all it is a fantastic tool for someone who, like me, loves to design their own creations. You can mix and match your favourite motifs and come up with brilliant ideas, just by browsing the book. It is really inspirational!
And second of all, you have to love a book that contains dedication:
For Mom, with Love :)
These, combined with the very good quality of instructions and diagrams results in a fantastic book for intermidate and proficient crocheters.